Pollfish: Received $6 in funding and at the same time launched a new survey self-service platform!

 Greek startup Pollfish seems to had its hands full lately, since after achieving receiving a total of $6 million in funding recently, launched a new online platform which allows enterprises and end users to execute real time market researches worldwide! 

 In order for Pollfish to create an automated and instant information hub,  choose Microsoft Azure, and further more built an SaaS platform of running market research through Smartphones. Thus, nearly everyone can create a research, choose the audience that wants to address in order to receive valuable responses and answers, as well as having real time feedback.

 As John Zaoudis, Pollfish Founder & CTO, stated: “The most decisive factors for our success is having the opportunity to scale up our app and at the same time have it widely available. These are most asked from the majority of our more than 400 million users and customers worldwide. Therefore, after evaluating the leading providers, we ended up selecting Microsoft Azure in order to host our services, while taking advantage of open source technologies, such as kafka, Cassandra and redis”.

Online ResearchPollfish