Pleiades IoT Innovation Cluster raised funds amounting to 2.5 million euros

The successful two-year course of the organization with the nine working groups create a favorable framework for the development of innovative solutions through an integrated platform

The Pleiades IoT Innovation Cluster has announced new funding of 2.5 million euros with the aim of further developing its objectives and its cooperative objectives.

The application of the organization for the second phase of its funding was carried out by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI), while at the same time Pleaides, with Uni Systems as its subsidiary, is going to be transformed into a Civil Non-Profit Company.

It is noted that the members of the proposal include C2h Environmental Engineering, Calpak, Dotsoft, Athens Medical Group, Meteo, Mobics, Mobito, NousPratIT, Novelcore, Optechain, Peripatos, Prisma Electronics, PROBOTEK, SigFox, the Department of Mechanical Engineering & aeronautics of the University of Patras, Yodiwo, Zarifopoulos S.A. and Uni Systems and Ubitech as a helper and coordinating company respectively.

At the same time, the successful two-year course of Pleiades with the nine working groups that create a framework for the development of innovative solutions through an integrated platform with a wide range of technologies, applications and data and the maturity acquired, led its members to the joint decision of transforming the Cluster into a Civil Non-Profit Company.

The Pleiades IoT Innovation Cluster is moving on to its next day having been recognized in Greece and abroad and with its new role as Fiware’s Digital Innovation Hub, with the aim of having completed the relevant actions by the end of this year.

It is worth noting that the nine working groups currently cover the thematic areas of Smart Medicine, Environmental Monitoring, Phygital Retail, Green Museum, Facility Management, Drones, Smart Water Heater, and Big Data, operating under the integrated IoT Horizontal Platform.

The new role of Pleiades will highlight the extroversion of its activities, increasing the possibilities of financing opportunities and broadening the base of its members, while at the same time facilitating the interconnection with the wider innovation ecosystem.

Digital Innovation HubFUNDINGGSRIInnovative solutionsPleiades IoT Innovation ClusterUni Systems