One third of people who quit their jobs plan to start their own business

One third of people who quit their jobs plan to start their own business

A survey that was released on Tuesday by, showed that people who have recently quit their job plan to start their own businesses.

According to the survey 32% of the respondents stated that they had quit their job in order to start their own business, while 62% of them said that their objective was to be their own boss.Also, 52% included the health factor as an incentive to quit while 51 % included better payment and benefits as their main reason.

However, the reasons for leaving their jobs vary.Payments and benefits are the most frequent reason ( 44%), emphasis on health holds the second position (42%) and in the third place is finding a job that would enjoy (41%). 

Dennis Consorte, small-businesses consultant and expert at, stated that when people pursue the job they love then work is not a work anymore but gives them purpose which ends up being more important than money, despite the difficulties that they meet when they run a business.

Almost 4 million people quit their job in the USA in June according to Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.But the time that people have spent at home because of the pandemic has reinforced people’s need to start their own businesses and 60% of them said it was the right time to start a business because lockdowns gave them the time to educate themselves, which becomes evident from the applications that have reached new records from mid-2020 to May 2021.

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