New funding 1,6M euros for incrediblue

New funding 1,6M euros for incrediblue

The amount of 1,6 million euros was raised in a new funding series from incrediblue, an online platform for quality boating holidays. At the same time, the Greek startup launched its new website

The funding procedure was led by Connect Ventures, and the participation of Seedcamp, Howzat Ventures, Firestartr, and the returning investor Jeremie Openfund II. It must be noted that Sitar Teli, partner at Connect Ventures will participate at the board of incrediblue. Mrs. Teli stated: «For the last couple of years, we know the founders of incrediblue and we’re more than happy that they succeeded in extending a ‘traditional’ view of renting boats to a way bigger market. Focusing on the product and its total user experience, incrediblue makes more than simple the whole procedure of having quality boating holidays, as if someone is booking a room in a hotel!».

With the new funding, the Greek startup is planning to speed-up its further development, aiming at attracting more people that even today don’t have a knowledge of how easy and affordable is having vacation on a boat with a skipper! Its a widespread opinion that this type of holidays are expensive, requiring sailing experience and are full of an array of details that add-up uncertainty to those that haven’t even tried it. Elements, that prevent the majority of people that are scheduling their vacation. The new web-platform of incrediblue aspires to solve all these problems, providing full-packages of holidays on a boat with a skipper for everyone. Today, incrediblue features 850 crewed boats in Greece and a total of 2.100 in the Mediterranean.

Mr. Antonios Fiorakis, founder and CEO of Incrediblue stated: “Travelers are tired and… fed-up having every year same-type of holidays at the same traditional hotels. That’s why lately, the non-hotel vacation experience is gaining momentum. Incrediblue’s “product” combines traveling with accommodation, securing access at having a new way of vacations! Simply, pressing on a button, somebody can book the boat that he desires, and which has an experienced skipper at the same price of a hotel room! But at the same time, having the ability to change the… view of the “room” as many times he want’s. All this, by visiting and staying at one beach after another”.

Antonios FiorakisFirestartrGREEK STARTUPHowzat VenturesincrediblueJEREMIE OPENFUND IISEEDCAMPSitar TeliSTARTUP