New boost for Greek Tourism Startups

Memorandum of Understanding between Elevate Greece and the Chamber of Hotels for the promotion of innovation and the strengthening of the domestic economy
New boost for Greek Tourism Startups

Memorandum of understanding for the promotion of Greek Tourism Startups was signed today (4/7/2022).

With a relevant post on Linkedin, the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology, Christos Dimas, announced the collaboration of the National Register for Startups Elevate Greece with the Hotel Chamber.

“In order to further strengthen the Startups operating in the tourism industry, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding between #ElevateGreece and the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels – Hellenic Chamber of Hotels – Hotel Chamber. The cooperation aims to support, guide, and network the #startup in a very competitive sector, which has a significant imprint on the Greek economy and society”, he pointed out.

The Chamber of Hotels with its business network, experience, human resources and know-how in matters of entrepreneurship and innovation is expected to offer specialized incentives, benefits and services to Elevate Greece Startups that are included in the category Tourism – Hospitality Services.

Elevate GreeceENTREPRENEURSHIPGreek Tourism StartupsHotel ChamberinnovationMemorandum of Understanding