MYTILINEOS: Second on Sustainalytics Industry Top Rated Companies list

The company was distinguished for its ESG performance among 114 companies
MYTILINEOS: Second on Sustainalytics Industry Top Rated Companies list

MYTILINEOS is included in the list of Industry Top Rated Companies of the global rating agency ESG Sustainalytics, as a result of its performance in the ESG and Sustainable Development criteria for 2021. Specifically, MYTILINEOS occupies the 2nd place out of 114 companies in the category “Industrial Conglomerates“, a performance that shows the company’s commitment to the integration and development of ESG culture in all its activities.

According to Sustainalytics, which is one of the world’s leading ESG rating agencies, Industry Top Rated Companies are the ones that showed in 2021 “Strong ESG performance” in the business category in which they are ranked.

Sustainalytics evaluates companies based on their ability to manage ESG risks. Depending on the sector of activity, each organization is exposed to different types and intensity ESG risks. MYTILINEOS is evaluated at the highest and most demanding level in 11 different ESG thematic units, indicatively mentioned: Corporate Governance, Climate Change & Environmental Management, Health & Safety, Human Rights, Business Ethics, which constitute the maximum number of ESG thematic units that a Company can evaluate. MYTILINEOS, according to Sustainalytics, effectively manages 70% of the ESG risks it faces, performance much better than the average of companies in the industrial conglomerates category.

“We are particularly pleased with the continuous improvement of our performance in the important ESG index of Sustainalytics, where in total since 2019 we have recorded an improvement of 56%. As MYTILINEOS we have set ESG criteria as an integral part of our business strategy, as well as the way we operate, thus contributing to the achievement of strong returns for our shareholders, as well as to the greater attraction of investors, customers and talented employees

Our systematic effort in this field during the last years, culminating in the establishment, for the first time in Greece, by an industrial company, of ambitious and demanding climate targets for 2030 and 2050, has resulted in a significant improvement of our performance in almost all the ESG indicators we participate in.This fact reflects our determination to remain a viable and profitable business and our commitment to show the way for a greener and more environmentally friendly industry, while consolidating our leadership at a Greek and international level since, according to most indicators, we are among the companies with the best ESG performance in our sector.”, said the General Manager of Sustainability and Corporate Governance at Mytilineos Group , Dimitris Papadopoulos.

ESG criteriaIndustrial ConglomeratesIndustry Top Rated CompaniesMYTILINEOSSustainalytics