MY-WAY project: Improving collaboration and efforts of young entrepreneurship

Started on the 1st of January 2015, MY-WAY is a two-year project, which was co-funded under the European Union’ s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The ambitious project aims to enhance and improve the collaboration and efforts of web entrepreneurship initiatives (startup hubs, accelerator networks, contests, etc.), web/business experts (accelerators, mentors, etc.), educational actors (business teachers and trainers) and the young adults as the final beneficiaries (through student networks, student entrepreneurship initiatives, etc.).

The MY-WAY project will increase the visibility and impact of web entrepreneurship initiatives and services by actively engaging student networks and support centres, and connecting them with the best schemes within the startup ecosystem.

Young adults across Europe will benefit from a wide variety of information, discovery of synergies and linkages between the educational actors, industry professionals and their services.

The MY- WAY initiative will research the biggest challenges of students and graduates in regards to entrepreneurship and is going to represent the interests of the targeted young adults throughout all phases of the project.

As a first step, the MY-WAY consortium is currently conducting an online survey for students and graduates as well as face-to-face interviews with student support centres at universities.

MY-WAY will also support the Young European Disruptors Network (EDs) – a European community of entrepreneurs who will meet at summits, regional events, leadership development programmes and community-organized gatherings around Europe.

The MY-WAY consortium is composed of ten partners, from seven different countries, representing the main actors of the web entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The project is coordinated by Europa Media Non-profit Ltd. (HU).

The project partners are: London Association of Enterprise Agencies Ltd. – Capital Enterprise (UK), H- Farm Italia (IT), AEGEE European Students’ Forum (BE), NACUE – National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs (UK), Bar-Ilan University (IL), Sabanci University (TR), EUCLID Network (UK), YES – European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (BE) and Menlo Media UG – (DE).

EUROPEAN UNIONHorizon 2020MY-WAYYoung EntrepreneurshipYoung European Disruptors Network