Metamorfosis II: New “green” Data Center in Greece from Sparkle

Metamorfosis II: New “green” Data Center in Greece from Sparkle

Sparkle, the biggest international telecommunication provider in Italy and in the top-10 globally, announced the operation of Metamorfosis II, the first “green” data center in Greece, one of the biggest and most advanced data centers in Europe.

With the addition of Metamorfosis II, Sparkle has been operating four data centers in Greece. Three of them in Athens, where the optical fiber metropolitan network starts and runs through the city ​​business district and directly interconnects corporate customers and institutional entities.The fourth data center is in Chania with total area of 14,000 sq. m. and 13.7 MW of power.

All data centers are fully connected to Nibble, the first pan-Mediterranean optical network, and with Sparkle’s high-tech Tier-1 Seabone, having the ability to provide high speed connectivity services as well as access to big cloud providers.Additionally, thanks to their flexible and secure structure with multiple backups, Sparkle’s data centers offer a rich ecosystem for domestic and international connectivity.

Sparkle’s data centers are designed to provide customers with sustainable, secure and technologically top infrastructures for their IT-systems which are crucial for their operation, providing at the same time fast and reliable connectivity to the world.

The new data center is located in Athens, in the industrial zone of Metamorfosis, next to Metamorfosis I. It occupies an area of about 6,000 sq.m., with maximum capacity of 700 racks and total power of 7.7 MW. Its dynamic and flexible design helps customer service.Data center has been designed according to the stricter anti-seismic criteria and in order to guarantee the maximum levels of reliability and security. 

Also, Metamorfosis II leverages energy-efficient power and cooling systems available in the market resulting in the reduction of carbon’s footprint for about 28,000 tons a year.The quality and energy excellence of the new data center is confirmed by the Uptime Institute Tier III, the LEED Gold and the ISO 14001 certifications.

“We have developed a model open hub to offer an advanced experience even to the most demanding customers, also ensuring our strong commitment for environmental sustainability.With this new venture, Sparkle enriches the infrastructures it offers to national and international businesses while confirming the significance we give to the Greek market in which we have been operating for twenty years with an ever-increasing presence.”, stated Elisabetta Romano, CEO of Sparkle.

ATHENSChaniaGREECEgreen” data centerMetamorfosis IINibbleSparkletelecommunication provider