London: Demo Session with Museofabber, a Museum Artefacts 3D Printing Project

London: Demo Session with Museofabber, a Museum Artefacts 3D Printing Project

Museofabber, a museum artefacts 3D-printing project, hosts tomorrow in London (14/05/2014), its demo session at the Museums and Heritage Show, a 2-day event for cultural professionals.

Attendants will have the opportunity to get an introduction to 3D printing technologies, discuss opportunities for museums and have an overview of how can help enhancing public engagement with digital collections.

Entry at Museums and Heritage Show is free, register is required. is one of the winners of the @Diversity European Idea Competition Awards 2013. The @Diversity Awards were launched by the European Parliament and organised by the Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture for the first time in 2013 in order to recognise outstanding examples of ICT innovation to promote culture in Europe.