LAUNCHub: Backs 6 New Startups from Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania

LAUNCHub: Backs 6 New Startups from Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania

LAUNCHub is proving to be a really active seed investment fund in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and today announced 6 new investments finalized late in April 2014, following the dedicated selection run launched earlier in February 2014.

According to a press release, LAUNCHub’s portfolio has now increased to 41 companies in 7 countries in Europe – Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia, Greece, Slovenia and Ukraine. Throughout its two years in operations the LAUNCHub Seed Fund has invested over 3 million Euros in the digital tech sector in the SEE region. In the same time, the Fund has attracted more than 3 million Euro of co-investment funds for its portfolio companies, seeing through two Series A rounds and participating in joint rounds some ranging up to 400K Euro.

The newcomers on board include Bulgarian teams AdTapsy, Clusterize, CM2W and Zeduki, Slovenian Enolyse and Romanian Style Jukebox.LAUNCHub is scheduled to open a new dedicated selection run on May 12, 2014.Also the Bulgaria-based fund is partnering with Digitalk and Mini Seedcamp for a digital marathon in the end of May in Sofia. Mini Seedcamp Sofia will take place on May 29, 2014 providing an opportunity for startups to network and get immediate valuable feedback from leading experts. The best three teams will get the chance to pitch on the mainstage at DigitalK. You can apply via AngelList or f6s before May 14, 2014.