IPTO: New program to turn the brain drain into brain gain

Brain drain was a result of the economic crisis that Greece faced.Young people and scientists of different specialities left Greece to find better working conditions abroad. Now, a lot of efforts have been made to motivate these talents and initiate their come back, like the new program of IPTO
IPTO: New program to turn the brain drain into brain gain

IPTO – Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) announces the program of attracting young talented engineersIPTO talent“, aiming to contribute to the effort to halt the brain drain, the “outflow” of young people and high qualifications from Greece to countries abroad.

The program is addressed to qualified Electrical Engineers, qualified Mechanical Engineers and Computer Science Graduates, with a master’s degree and with minimum (up to 2 years) or no work experience, who will be invited to work on 10 new projects of the Company.

The qualifications required for
The candidates are required to have some qualifications such as diploma or degree of domestic or equivalent foreign, legally recognized, Electrical Engineer or Mechanical Engineering or Information Technology.Also, postgraduate degree related to the requested specialties, license to practice the profession of Engineer of the corresponding specialty of the degree and finally excellent knowledge of English.

Through interviews and skills assessment procedures, 10 new associates will be selected who will have the opportunity to start their professional career in IPTO’s high standard work environment, where they will sign a one-year contract. The new engineers will receive introductory training, will have guidance from experienced executives of the Operator and will be able to be tested in various jobs either in the Company’s Central Services or at Energy Control Centers in Attica, until they join the final working groups.

brain drainbrain gainIPTOnew programyoung talented engineers