Internet Week Europe: Promote your company to a digitally-centered crowd

Could you ever imagine that entrepreneurs would be able to promote their business, to interact an organization to new audiences, to take useful advice and full support in their entrepreneurial effort  at no cost at all?

Well all these are possible through the “Internet Week Europe”, a festival celebrating Europe’s thriving Internet industry & community that allows any company, group, or individual to participate in an official capacity.

The main purpose for the Internet Week Europe  establishment came from the urge to raise the profile of Europe’s digital industry, as well as the companies and organizations who participate.

As for the participants, Internet Week Europe is a great opportunity to promote their company to a diverse digitally-centered crowd. Each partner helps spread the word about the festival, increasing interest in all of the events, broadening knowledge and interaction with your organization to new audiences and PR opportunities. Because Internet Week Europe is crowdsourced, it means you can plan your event the way you’d like to see it: big, small, ticketed or free, morning or evening. Internet Week Europe promotes events from all partners equally, regardless of size.

The people behind this excellent and innovating idea, do their best to keep Internet Week Europe – open to everyone (like the open structure of the web). Whether you’re an artist, an investment bank, a startup, or a meetup, your event – seminars, online promotions, parties, and concerts – can be an official part of Internet Week Europe. Moreover there is no fee to participate, and event partners are able to maintain complete creative control over their events, while still being an official partner of the festival.

The idea
Internet Week began in New York City in 2008. In 2010, it came to Europe for the first time, with a five-day calendar of web-focused events taking place throughout London. There were 130 events – ranging from parties and meet-ups to executive breakfasts and conferences. We call this crowdsourced participation, where organizations, large and small, host these events during Internet Week Europe. The Executive Council of helps shape Internet Week through their combined years of media experience.

For more information about the weekly program and events you simply visit.