Big winner at the National Customer Service Awards Big winner at the National Customer Service Awards
2021 ended with 3 additional great distinctions for from the CS Awards organized for the 12th consecutive year by the Hellenic Institute of Customer Service (HICS), on Tuesday, December 21, 2021., the largest website for comparison and purchase of  insurance products in Greece, was awarded with 3 Customer Distinction Awards in the following categories:
•Best Customer Service Training
•Listening to the customer’s voice
•Team of the Year: Customer Service
“We are very proud that our team has managed to win such important distinctions in the field of Customer Service. As a company focused on the customer and his essential and quality service, these awards come to seal our vision. In other words, to listen to his voice and to be his ally in choosing the best insurance solution for him.”, said Christos Symeonakis, Head of Customer Service. receives 850,000 electronic, physical and telephone requests annually on 6 differentiated communication channels. The high quality service it offers is also reflected in the particularly high Quality Control Index with NPS 79 (Net Promoters Score).
The company, with 10 successful years of presence in the insurance sector, invests in the continuous training of its people and in cutting-edge technologies with the aim of optimizing the quality of its services and the excellent shopping experience of its user at all stages.
HICS, the non-profit organization that aims to upgrade the level of consumer service, rewards and promotes on an annual basis innovative and exceptional practices, which are used to serve the customer and contribute to a better experience. In addition, the aim is to create and disseminate specialized knowledge as well as to reward the best executives in customer service per industry and level.After many months of objective and transparent process in which  participated as judges, academic teachers and eminent entrepreneurs, the Institute awarded companies and distinguished professionals from various sectors for excellent practices in the field of customer service.
awardsHellenic Institute of Customer