The Hellenic Development Bank-HDB, underlining once again the importance it gives to the creation of international constructive partnerships, participates as a new full member of the European Business Angels Network (EBAN).
The European Business Angels Network (EBAN) is the leading network of early stage investors in Europe. It connects and supports business angels, early stage investors, entrepreneurs and businesses around the world, with more than 150 members in more than 50 countries to date, promoting the sharing of knowledge and best practices with the aim of building the community in different regions and sectors.
This new collaboration of Hellenic Development Bank is part of its commitment and long-term strategy for the continuous support of Greek enterprises, especially innovative startups, with complementary services that come to be added to the existing financial products, so that Greek entrepreneurship becomes more extroverted, modern and -mainly- competitive at an international level.
The Hellenic Development Bank-HDB creates the conditions for the acceleration of the collaborations of Greek enterprises with international ecosystems and networks of investors, in order to create competitive schemes, as well as the mutual participation in mentoring and networking actions.
Today, more than ever, dynamic initiatives and targeted partnerships are needed. For the Hellenic Development Bank, it is important and very constructive to share knowledge, know-how and good practices, while at the same time providing Greek businesses with access to international investment funds to finance all productive structures of the Greek economyā€¯, said Athena Hadjipetrou, president and CEO of the Hellenic Development Bank.