Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society: Official supporter of Elevate Greece

A memorandum of understanding was signed on 19/7 by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology, Christos Dimas and the representatives of the Hellenic Society of Artificial Intelligence, Giorgos Vouros and Anestis Fahadidis
Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society: Official supporter of Elevate Greece

The Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN) joins forces with Elevate Greece!

On 19/7 in a meeting of the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology, Christos Dimas with the representatives of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society, George Vouros and Anestis Fahadidis, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the two sides with the aim of promoting innovation.

“I am very happy for the opportunity I had to coordinate this initiative as a member of the Board of Directors and head of partnerships of EETN”, said Anestis Fahadidis.

The aim of the new collaboration is the matchmaking of Startups with the members of EETN in order to establish collaborations between them as well as AI mentoring actions.This matchmaking will be done through an easy process of matching interests and cognitive subjects developed by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society.

In addition, the participation of the members of the National Register for Startups in the Panhellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence in order to present their technology (related to AI), as well as the registration of members on preferential terms as corporate members of EETN through a process of assessing relevance. This is a new possibility of academic recognition and wider visibility of companies operating in AI.

AI mentoringcollaborationElevate GreeceHellenic Artificial Intelligence SocietymatchmakingMemorandum of UnderstandingSTARTUPS