Hellas Gold: The digital transformation of the Kassandra mines

In Greece, recent years, there has been a plethora of digital transformation projects, as the country hopes to move towards the future with rapid steps.The transformation is mainly about upgrading networks, processes and capabilities that will help businesses become more competitive and extroverted, as the new digital age demands.
Hellas Gold: The digital transformation of the Kassandra mines

One of the main areas of application of the transformation concerns production lines where significant opportunities are created through the use of digitally controlled production equipment, robotic automation and the digitization of processes and the way in which operators interact with the equipment, achieving greater efficiency and less needs for maintenance of machinery.

Even industries with little exposure to technology, such as mining, are rapidly affected by this change. One of the most characteristic examples is Hellas Gold, which, according to the Strategic Road Map it recently announced, is launching important projects to upgrade production efficiency and safety at the Kassandra Mines, such as:

Installation of 4 G / LTE network at the Olympiada Mine and applications for the improvement of production planning

Following the continuous investments for the upgrade and modernization of the Olympiada, which have exceeded 500 million euros since its acquisition, Hellas Gold has recently completed the installation of a 4G / LTE network in the mine galleries. It is the first installation of its kind that takes place in a mine in Greece and opens new possibilities that will optimize production planning and enhance safety at work.

Application of remote mining methods in the new Skouries mine

The new mine that will be developed in Skouries will be fully electric and will apply state-of-the-art technologies and applications that will allow even remote mining, creating new levels of safety and optimal productivity.

The company is already starting the preparatory work with the construction of 3 new buildings that will complete the construction of the future enrichment plant, in an investment of 3 million that will be financed with equity. At the same time, the procedures for the investigation of the financing of the investment continue, which will lead to the making of the final investment decision for the completion of one of the largest foreign direct investments in Greece.

Establishment of a Technical Training and Education Center for employees

At the same time, the company places a similar emphasis on the human element, creating a Technical Training and Education Center in Stratoni, Halkidiki, in order to train the workforce with the new skills in view of the operation of the new mine in Skouries, where state-of-the-art technologies will be applied.

Through the Center, the employees of Hellas Gold will have access to modern know-how and high quality training, trained to respond to the new data required by modern mining activity, but also the highly demanding work of Skouries. It is also noteworthy that according to the plan, the Center will be open to non-employees in Hellas Gold in the long run, providing useful supplies for the digital age in the wider local community.

Hellas GoldKassandra minesproduction efficiencysafetySkouries