Greek Laros and Yodiwo participate at SEC2SV European Innovation Day!

Greek Laros and Yodiwo participate at SEC2SV European Innovation Day!

The Greek startup companies Laros and Yodiwo are among the !!!logo_laros15 totally scaleups and new potential EU Unicorns (startups with valuation of more than 1 billion dollars) that are selected to present their self’s at the European Innovation Day (EID) that will take pla!!!yodiwoce in Mountain View on September 21st, 2015 and is part of the Startup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley (SEC2SV) week, from the 21st till the 25th of September 2015.

Cumulatively, the 15 scaleups represent approximately $60 million in revenue and 1,000 employees, and they range from SaaS/Paas to nanotechnology, e-commerce, digital advertising, online recruitment, IT software, maritime industries, advanced materials, online productivity and renewable energy. Laros is an innovative platform for condition monitoring based on smart sensors’ wireless technology that changes the way marine departments communicate, collaborate, and operate bringing compliance and efficiency. As for Yodiwo, it offers the most comprehensive environment for connecting Applications and Devices with the power of cloud.

Each of the 15 companies will present their business at the European Innovation Day to an international audience of more than 500 attendees, and showcase their product or service in a dedicated demo area of the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. At the same time, they will also be invited to the Scaleup Track. This includes roundtable discussions with established corporates, tables with industry experts, mentor sessions, and open small-group discussions focused on specific topics. Additionally, the scaleups will have the opportunity to meet Andreessen Horowitz, Tim Draper (DFJ), Google Ventures and other corporate VCs.

Andreessen HorowitzEuropean Innovation Day (EID)Google VenturesLarosStartup Europe Comes to Silicon Valley (SEC2SV)Tim Draper (DFJ)Yodiwo