Greece emerges as a Hub for digital innovation

European Commission's final results on European Digital Innovation Hubs
Greece emerges as a Hub for digital innovation

The Ministry of Digital Governance announces the completion of the tendering process by the European Commission for the creation of the Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs).

The European Commission, in the framework of the “Digital Europe 2021-2027” programme, supports the development of an ESDP network to enhance the European Union’s capabilities in the areas of high performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, the development of advanced digital skills and the digital transformation of public administration and interoperability.

Greece, as a member-state, will participate in the Network with 4 Hubs, which will be funded by the European Commission through the Digital Europe Programme (DEP) with an amount that reaches 9.3 million euros for 3 years, while 3 more Hubs can participate in the Network without European funding, as they have received the SEAL of excellence of the EU.The Network’s Greek Hubs will be active in technological fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, 5G, big data analysis, blockchain, etc. in combination with policy areas such as health, rural development, e-government, etc.

The total of 7 hubs in Greece are the following:

•smartHEALTH, Precision Medicine and Innovative E-health Services – in collaboration with the Foundation for Research and Technology -Hellas.

•DigiAgriFood, Digital Transformation and Green Transition of the Agri-Food Value Chain in Central and Northern Greece – in collaboration with the Demokritos University of Thrace.

•digiGOV-innoHUB, The Greek digital Government and Public Services innovation HUB – in collaboration with GRNET.

•SmartAttica-AtHeNAI, Smart Attica DIH, the Attica region – Greek Innovation hub for Artificial Intelligence in Energy and Environment, Supply chain and mobility, Culture and Tourism- in collaboration with Demokritos.

•HEALTH HUB, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Industry Transformation through Artificial Intelligence Digital Services – in collaboration with the Institute of Development and Entrepreneurship.

•SYNERGiNN EDIH, Digital Innovation Hub of Western Macedonia – in collaboration with the University of Western Macedonia.

•EasyHPC, ecosystem for the ecological transformation and the advancement of the competitiveness of the Plastic Industry in the Regions of West & Central Greece – in collaboration with the University of Patras

Digital Europe 2021-2027digital innovationEUROPEAN COMMISSIONEuropean Digital Innovation HubsGREECEhubMinistry of Digital Governance