Grant Thornton: Greek Business in recovery

Grant Thornton: Greek Business in recovery

Greece, as well as the entire planet, are preparing for a gradual exit from the crisis caused by the pandemic, receiving a boost from monetary and fiscal interventions worldwide, as well as from developments in the health field, despite the uncertainties about the pandemic that continues to exist.

In fact, according to the survey conducted by Grant Thornton for Greek business, optimism seems to have returned to Greek entrepreneurs while at the same time the belief has been formed that the worst, regarding the negative effects of the pandemic on the economy, has now been overcome.

The levels of optimism among Greek entrepreneurs even in the previous 12 months were at higher levels than those of European and other entrepreneurs, while from the 3rd quarter of 2020 onwards they are improving and today there is an expectation that Greek businesses will move on a growth trajectory in the coming months.

This optimism arises, among others, from the ability of businesses to adapt to circumstances, to show sufficient resilience and to identify opportunities.

At the same time, the adoption of innovative products and services, the digital development as well as the utilization of the available resources from the Recovery Fund, are expected to provide the necessary impetus that Greek business needs, in order to successfully transition to the future of the domestic and global economy.

Grant ThorntonGreek businessrecoverysurvey