Future Greek Rail Hackathon for the digital transition of OSE

The first Innovation Marathon for the digital transformation of OSE, Future Greek Rail Hackathon, will take place online and in person, over the weekend, on 23 – 24 October 2021, at Innovathens at 100 Pireos St., Gazi.

Various teams and startups will be supported to shape and further advance their idea. The aim of the marathon is to create PoCs that promote the digital transition of OSE through new and innovative ideas as well as applications that exploit the value of data.

The Future Greek Rail Hackathon is an open innovation technological action and aims to activate (community activation) the ecosystem of innovation, institutions and businesses to create original applications that will have a social impact at the same time.

Each contestant will be invited to develop original methodologies and applications that face problems, proposing solutions related to the digital transformation of OSE. He should therefore be interested in developing a complete application, which he will submit to public consultation, by submitting his proposal.

Specifically, the thematic units of the Marathon concern railway infrastructure and procedures, green management, environmental protection and social solidarity.Also, passenger experience and information mechanisms, as well as data utilization and commercial transport.

Finally, this effort will be supported by mentors, public organizations, companies and collective bodies, which will express their interest.

digital transitionFuture Greek Rail HackathonOSE