Funding of 34 million euros for Greek Startups of Elevate

With the 2nd NSRF call, amounting to 34 million euros the Startups of "Elevate Greece", which have been affected by the pandemic will be supported
Funding of 34 million euros for Greek Startups of Elevate

“Greece is becoming a pioneer in the new knowledge economy in the wider region of Southeastern Europe.The Startups contribute significantly to this, the dynamically developing ecosystem of research and innovation, which really deserve every support of the State.With the 2nd NSRF call, amounting to 34 million euros, for the financing of the Working Capital, in the form of a non-refundable grant, “We therefore come to substantially support, once again, the Startups of “Elevate Greece“, which were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.”, stated the Minister of Development and Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, on the occasion of the announcement.

Businesses registered in the National Register for StartupsElevate Greece, can receive the non-refundable funding, in order to cover their expenses in Purchases of Goods of Use, Raw Materials and Materials of Use, of all Employee Benefits and various Operating Expenses.The funding covers Working Capital up to 80% of the company’s expenses for the reference year (2020 or 2021) with a minimum grant amount of 5,000 euros and a maximum of 100,000 euros.

The 2nd call gives an additional important “breath” to the Startups affected by the pandemic, in order to face the unforeseen difficulties.

Applications for inclusion in the program will start from Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 13:00 until Monday, October 31, 2022 at 15:00.It should be noted that the registered enterprises that were funded in the A cycle can be supported cumulatively by both calls with a maximum total amount of 100 thousand euros.

“With the creation of Elevate Greece, we stressed that the State has for the first time the ability to promote targeted support measures, cut and sewn to the needs of the ecosystem of Startups. It is a fact that the pandemic has also affected Startups. In response to the request of the entire ecosystem, we proceed to the 2nd funding round, amounting to 34 million euros, for the Startups of Elevate Greece.A necessary “breath” in order for Startups to face unforeseen difficulties, to remain viable and not to lose quality jobs.”, said the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments Christos Dimas.

The NSRF is the main financier of Startup and innovative entrepreneurship, the support of which comes to create a perpetual production of new ideas, services and products that will feed back the most productive model of the country, in order to remain healthy, competitive and constantly developing. This is now a distinct part of the Greek economy which we expect to give a significant boost to GDP and to better quality jobs.”, stressed the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, responsible for Public Investments and NSRF Yannis Tsakiris.