FresCon: Touching perfection in quality and technology

A pioneering solution for the prolongation of fresh fish has been developed by the Greek Startup, offering a unique combination of excellent quality and state-of-the-art technology, while aiming at the protection of the environment
FresCon: Touching perfection in quality and technology

An innovative and pioneering Startup in food technology, which focuses on the sustainability and balance of the ecosystem, but mainly the quality of our nutritional resources, is the Greek FresCon, which has aroused the international interest and praises of foreign experts.

It is a hitech Startup oriented to food technology and the best possible utilization of technology, having the basic values of responsible consumption and production and reduction of food waste. Its aim is to create efficient production for fresh fish, so that it is enjoyed by an increasing population. In particular, the constructive cooperation with universities, businesses, research teams and individuals for the development of technology, helps to expand the research and innovation of the company, which never stops researching for complementary or new technologies in order to improve the entire food production-consumption chain for the benefit of all actors.

The most hitech innovative “solution” in the industry


As an innovative Startup, FresCon makes the most of technology and provides the solution to the problem of limiting the sources of fresh fish. Free sea fishing has reached maximum production capacity in recent decades and aquaculture tends to be the solution to meet the global demand for fish, at the same time as inadequate processing, improper handling and hygiene result in the discarding of a significant part of fish production. The solution offered by FresCon is an after-harvest technology to extend the life of the fish (e.g. computer vision system, UV-C radiation, Y-aminobutyric acid and active modified atmosphere packaging), which extends the lifespan of the fish by 3-4 times from the conventional method.The production line it offers is a fully automated process, which is supported by AI, cameras and other technological innovations and can achieve a high production rate with minimal production residues.

That’s why it joined, last August, the EIT Food Teamup program, which selects with strict criteria the most innovative agrifood solutions and the top Startups. Through this program, FresCon has been able to improve sustainability and achieve a higher production rate with the most ecological and reliable means.

This is because the effective use of the technology of the Greek Startup contributes to the extension of the life of fresh fish by 3 to 4 times compared to technology alternatives to 4 degrees Celsius, maintaining the texture and taste without weight loss.

In this way, the fish maintain their sensory quality – their taste, firmness, color and smell – but also their nutritional quality, i.e. raw proteins, lipids and fatty acids.

The test results are tangible, as this technology was tested on a laboratory scale with confirmed results and has been funded at an early stage by EIT Food.

In particular, with the production line offered by FresCon, the service life of sea bream is extended up to 40 days, of sea bass 30 days and of shrimps 21 days.The technology can be easily adopted and integrated by existing production lines by adding specific components to the production process or offered as a new installation of an integrated production line.

In fact, a few days ago, FresCon joined the EIT Food Seedbed Incubator project supported by universities and research and innovation organisations, partners of EIT Food.

Through this program, it has the ability to connect with key customers, be “tested” on the market and transfer the minimum viable product or service from a commercial proposition to a validated business.

Also, as of March 2022, FresCon is registered in Elevate Greece, the National Register of Startups of the Ministry of Development & Investments.

agrifoodaiEIT Food Seedbed Incubator projectEIT Food Teamup programElevate Greecefood technologyFresConSTARTUPsustainability