Four Greek universities are cooperating for fast transfer of know-how

These are the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), the University of the Aegean, the University of Crete and the Technical University of Crete
Four Greek universities are cooperating for fast transfer of know-how

The “Network for the Promotion of Support and Promotion of Research Innovation of Island Greece” begins its action for the promotion and exploitation of research activity.

An important step for the exploitation of the knowledge produced in leading Universities and Research Institutes of Greece, will be realized through the new Network of Technology Transfer Offices, which is coordinated by FORTH / PRAXI Network and in which a total of 10 Research and University institutions participate.

Four major institutions of the country, based in Island Greece, the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), the University of the Aegean, the University of Crete and the Technical University of Crete, have agreed to collaborate through the Network that will be created and to contribute know-how, resources and networks on issues of support, promotion and exploitation of research activity.

The partner bodies, coordinated by FORTH /PRAXI Network, which has a long experience in the exploitation of research results, will cooperate, develop economies of scale and expand their networks of partners, aiming to strengthen their internal technology transfer structures, in order to create the sufficient and necessary conditions for the translation of research activity into products, services and innovative, knowledge-intensive companies.

At the same time, the Network will offer technology transfer services to six more Institutions, which are in the process of establishing Technology Transfer Offices and establishing policies for the management, safeguarding and exploitation of their intellectual property. The institutions that will be supported in this direction are the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), the Pasteur Hellenic Institute (HPF), the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming“, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Ionian University and the University of West Attica.

The Network will provide a variety of high added value technology transfer services on axes related to:

· Technological discovery

· Protection of intellectual property

· Commercial exploitation of technologies

· Promotion of usable research results

· Connection with the business community

· Attracting funding

The Network will develop the right conditions and stimulate the development of large-scale, geographical and interdisciplinary synergies, as the actors participating in the collaborative scheme carry out research activity in various thematic areas, such as health and biotechnology, ICT, energy, materials, environment and agro-food.

Through its actions, a significant increase in patent applications is expected both in Greece and abroad. The increase in the number of patents, in combination with the high added value services that will be provided to the cooperating entities through the Network, are expected to create the right conditions for the increase of the number of innovative spin-offs in the country. It is estimated that in the next 2 years more than 20 patents will be filed and that at least 5 new spin-offs will be established.

“For the first time, 10 institutions are joining forces in the framework of the largest network of technology transfer offices in Greece, in order for the new knowledge produced in the research and academic fabric to be translated into solutions; solutions to existing problems, answers to needs, outlets for technological transformation and improvement of the competitiveness of entrepreneurship and industry. The impact of the initiative will be visible on both the economy and society, at local, regional and national level.”, stated Mr. Panagiotis Karniouras, Director of PRAXI Network.

The action plan of the ten research and university institutions of Greece was approved for funding by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020.

FORTHGreek UniversitiespatentsPRAXI NetworkresearchSpin-offssynergieaTechnical University of CreteTechnology Transfer OfficesUniversity of CreteUniversity of the Aegean