Eurobank: In Israel 9 Startups of egg

The business mission is part of this year's extroversion program to enhance Startup entrepreneurship
Eurobank: In Israel 9 Startups of egg

A mission to Israel with the participation of representatives of nine new innovative Greek companies, which are active in dynamically growing sectors, carries out egg – enter•grow•go, as part of this year’s egg extroversion program to enhance Startup entrepreneurship. The mission began on Friday, May 27, 2022, will last until Thursday, June 2, 2022, and is the third in a row business mission of extroversion in 2022, there have already been significant actions of egg, in Dubai and Barcelona.

The visit to Israel, which is one of the world’s most powerful innovation ecosystems, takes place following an agreement with the Entrepreneurship Forum Israel (EFI). Eurobank is represented by the General Manager of Marketing & Corporate Communication of Eurobank Group and President of the Coordinating Committee of egg, Michalis Vlastarakis, and the Director of egg, Roula Bakhtalia, accompanying the representatives of the companies.

The nine participating egg companies are active in the following sectors:

•Health Sciences (Aisthesis Medical, DNA Sequence, Metabio, StArtBio, Theta Biomarkers)

•Industry 4.0 (PCN Materials, Vertliner)

•Agricultural technology (Agritrack)

•Digital Tourism (keeano)

“The Embassy of Greece in Israel actively supports every effort to extrovert Greek entrepreneurship. It emphasises the field of innovation, where Israel is at the forefront.We are very happy that egg sends a delegation of 9 representatives of Greek Startups for a research visit to Israel. It proves in practice Eurobank’s deep faith in Greek entrepreneurship and in the potential of these innovative companies to acquire know-how, perhaps potential investors, through their contacts with the developed ecosystem of Startup entrepreneurship and innovation in Israel.”, said the Ambassador of Greece to Israel, Kyriakos Loukakis.

“Egg consistently creates opportunities for new, healthy, innovative businesses in their inception, focusing on enhancing extroversion and ensuring valuable supplies at all their stages of development.In this context, is included the mission we are organizing for 9 dynamic egg companies in Israel, which is undoubtedly one of the strongest benchmarks in the global innovation ecosystem. Eurobank will continue to stand by the talented, capable, scientists and entrepreneurs, further intensifying its efforts at a time of strong challenges for the global economy.”, stated Michalis Vlastarakis, General Manager of Marketing and Corporate Communication of Eurobank Group.

As part of the mission, Eurobank’s executives and the representatives of Startups have a series of meetings with senior executives of the innovation ecosystem, as well as technological groups operating in Israel, while mentoring circles have been scheduled for representatives of participating Startups with renowned entrepreneurs and investors, through EFI’s business contacts.

As part of the egg extroversion program, in the last six years there have been, in total, 13 missions to major foreign ecosystems of Startup entrepreneurship in Europe, the USA, Canada and the Middle East, giving the opportunity to more than 70 new Greek companies, hosted in egg, to network abroad.It is worth noting that during the pandemic, despite the restrictions on movement, egg developed a series of initiatives, continuing to support in every way the extroversion of the Greek Startup ecosystem.

Egg, designed and implemented by Eurobank, in collaboration with the Corallia of Athena Research Center, since 2013, to support innovative entrepreneurship in Greece, supports multidimensionally the participants seeking funding, extroversion and business networking, while contributing to the effective interconnection of the academic, business and investment community in the country.

More information about egg – enter•grow•go can be found here.

Athena Research CenterCORALLIAegg - enter•grow•goENTREPRENEURSHIPeurobankextroversionGREEK STARTUPSISRAEL