Envolve Entrepreneurship: The second Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition has started

Envolve Entrepreneurship: The second Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition has started

The global business support organization, Envolve Entrepreneurship ( greece.envolveglobal.org ), announces the official launch of the second Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition with a focus on Sustainable Development, inviting for another year teams from schools all over Greece to submit their applications. The competition has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Religions, while Envolve also organizes a four-hour entrepreneurship training program for students, approved by the Ministry of Education, entitled “Discovering and highlighting the characteristics of the young entrepreneur.” Both training programs aim to support the new generation of entrepreneurs responsibly, equipping them with the first performances and supplies for their future endeavors. On Monday, December 13 at 18: 00-19: 00, an online presentation of the Envolve training programs will be organised, where teachers and students will meet participants of the previous competition, will be familiar with the competition platform, the concept of entrepreneurship and sustainability. 

The aim of the student entrepreneurship competition is to activate students of Secondary Education to engage in entrepreneurship, putting environmental protection and sustainability at the center of their strategy. The groups of students / three that will participate in the competition, are invited to submit on a digital platform their business idea, business plan, documentation of sustainable orientation, as well as video with presentation of the final product / service.T

“The participation rate of both students and teachers at the Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition with Orientation to Sustainable Development is extremely encouraging.The Envolve team is close to students and schools, further enhancing entrepreneurship through interactive discussions and educational programs, such as the student competition and the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Education. However, we also thank the teachers, who have embraced our actions and are our companions in these new ventures, as well as the students who will be the new generation of entrepreneurs, helping to upgrade the professional and therefore living standard of our country. “, said Jimmy Athanasopoulos, President of Envolve Entrepreneurship and Head of Social Responsibility of the Libra Group in Greece

“The Envolve team continues for the 10th year to support entrepreneurship, providing training, resources and awards, but also the cultivation of business skills from an early age. With our student programs we address the entrepreneurs of tomorrow and give them the opportunity to implement their ideas, having sustainability at the center oft heir goals. Cultivating entrepreneurial skills is undoubtedly a resource for the future. The students, last year, proved to us that creativity has no age. We look forward to seeing their ideas shine again this year.”, stated Alexandros Nousias, Director of Envolve Entrepreneurship in Greece.

The student competition is under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Investment, Ministry of Interior (Macedonia – Thrace Sector), the Region of Crete, the Municipality of Athens, the Municipality of Vari – Voula – Vouliagmeni, the Municipality of Kifissia, the Municipality of Veria, the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon, the Municipality of Nea Smyrni and the Municipality of Orestiada.

MEdIES, EPLO, Open Coffee Heraklion, POS4work, Women Do Business, Global Shapers, ATRAKTOS, YES Forum, Xanthi Tech Lab, Youth Entrepreneurship Club, Bizrupt, Skywalker, Startup Greece, Uni.ties and STENTORAS, support the student competition (Community Partners).

Envolve was founded in 2012 by the Libra Group, with a mission to support entrepreneurs in Greece and America through three pillars: education, resources and awards. In Greece, through the organization of eight rounds of the annual Envolve Award Greece competition, it has selected 34 winners active in 19 different sectors of the economy, having created more than 1,800 jobs, while attracting investments of over 260 million euros, with their valuation exceeding 850 million euros.

To participate in the webinar it is necessary to register at the following link: https://bit.ly/3cJcE2i.

Applications will be submitted by teachers (as team leaders) via the website https://greece.envolveglobal.org/en/education/school_contest/. The application deadline is February 27, 2022.


Envolve EntrepreneurshipPanhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competitionsustainable development