Elevate Greece: Joins forces with SEGE to support women in research and innovation

In the context of the inclusion of the action #Her_Research, which S.E.G.E. has initiated, in the initiative of the Greek Government "Elevate Greece", the association undertook the offer of integrated support to women's innovative Startups
Elevate Greece: Joins forces with SEGE to support women in research and innovation

The General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, represented by the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, responsible for research and technology, Christos Dimas, and the Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (S.E.G.E.), represented by the President Apostolina Tsaltabasi, proceeded to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

According to an announcement, S.E.G.E. is now one of the institutional supporters of the National Register of Startups of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development and Investments – “Elevate Greece“.

The two sides, during the workshop held on Monday, January 3, discussed the services that S.E.G.E. will offer on its part for the support through general guidance, mentoring, training, networking, as well as the practical support in securing funding to Startups registered in the electronic platform “Elevate Greece”.

More specifically, in the context of the inclusion of the action #Her_Research, which S.E.G.E. has initiated, in the initiative of the Greek Government “Elevate Greece”, the association undertook the offer of integrated support to innovative women’s Startups.

The services will include, among others, the provision of counseling and mentoring to groups of innovative women’s Startups, the support in the writing of proposals within the framework of Horizon Europe or other similar research, funded by European funds, programs and the training of interested Startups in finding Research Resources with targeted and comprehensive training seminars.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was accompanied by a visit to the Deputy Minister by the EvoGirls team, which consists of 5 young girls from Attica, who are actively engaged in educational robotics, new technologies and informatics, coached by a 19-year-old Olympic robotics champion. S.E.G.E. with priority to provide support to girls from this young age, has already placed under its auspices the team. During the meeting, Mr. Dimas showed particular interest in the work of the team and the monitoring of their future plans, marking the practical support of young girls in technology and innovation, within the framework of the Memorandum.

“For S.E.G.E., whose primary goal is to support women throughout their career in Entrepreneurship, the stage of hatching a new idea and a new business is the most important of all”, points out Mrs. Tsaltabasi, adding, “Encouraging and supporting by all means women in research, technology, science and innovation is an immediate priority of the Association for the creation of a culture of equal participation and the bridging of inequalities in these male-dominated sectors.”

Elevate GreeceGeneral Secretariat for Research and InnovationGreek Association of Women EntrepreneursinnovationMemorandum of Understandingresearchwomen entrepreneurs