egg – enter•grow•go: For 10 years it boosts innovation

The new cycle of the egg Startup platform, egg-enter•grοw•go, marks the completion of a highly successful ten-year operation, having managed to be connected with the rapid progress and evolution of the domestic Startup scene. At the same time, it is the most recognized and integrated framework for business acceleration in Greece
egg – enter•grow•go: For 10 years it boosts innovation

In its 10th cycle, utilizing its experience and modern structure, egg attempts a step up in guiding the business groups that will join, seeking to accelerate the implementation of their business plans. In this light, maximizing the benefit to the participants will be achieved through their inclusion in appropriate business acceleration flows, within the egg Start-Up platform, with correspondingly customized business milestones and advisory monitoring under the 10th cycle of the programme.

The ultimate goal of the latter is to identify and highlight their real needs, seeking to establish synergies with the other participants as members of a development ecosystem, enhancing the chances of funding. In fact, egg encourages the participation in the new cycle of the business plans program related to a number of highly innovative as well as competitive sectors, such as 5G technologies, integrated solutions to the standards of ESG (Environment Social Government), as well as projects that utilize many years of research activity or make wide use of innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, cybersecurity, tourism technologies, Fintech, robotics, virtual / augmented reality (VR / AR), Industry 4.0, biotechnology, medical technologies and methods, agricultural technology, environmental technologies, energy, education – modern methods and tools, etc. Equally increased importance is attributed to business plans that come from and concern schemes that actively strengthen female entrepreneurship.

According to the General Manager of Marketing and Corporate Communication of the Eurobank Group, Mr. Michalis Vlastarakis: “By constantly improving and upgrading its structures and services, egg enters its tenth year of operation. Participating in the expansion of the Greek ecosystem of innovative enterprises, it has already supported more than 1,000 entrepreneurs, while it has contributed to the creation of 150 companies.Eurobank, a pioneer in supporting new entrepreneurship, sees as a priority the development of innovation based on international standards. We invest in egg and support every dynamic initiative that is also developed through the state, such as the establishment of the Cooperative Innovation Scheme in the tourism and culture sectors for the modernization of the Greek tourism and cultural product.

It is recalled that egg, designed and implemented by Eurobank in collaboration with Corallia, supports multidimensionally the participating Startups, which in turn seek funding, extroversion and business networking. At the same time, it effectively interconnects the academic with the business and investment community.

accelerationCORALLIAegg Start-Up platformegg- enter•grow•goENTREPRENEURSHIPESGeurobankgreek ecosystemgreek tourisminnovationsynergies