Culture App: The application that digitizes with AR the monuments of Greece

The company created an augmented reality application for the archaeological sites of Greece
Culture App: The application that digitizes with AR the monuments of Greece

CULTURE APP announced the immediate availability of the augmented reality travel app for the archaeological sites of Greece, enabling culture lovers to take a trip to the past through representations, 3D models, informative texts and audio narration.

“The Culture App enables end users to use the app both inside and outside archaeological sites. We take advantage of augmented reality for those who visit the places with physical presence and mixed reality for those who prefer to enjoy a journey through time from the comfort of their home.”, said Dr. Marina Terzi, co-founder and marketing manager of Culture App.

Marina Terzi

How the idea came about

“The initial idea came about after a typical visit to the archaeological site of the Acropolis with relatives from abroad. Our effort to describe to them the original form of the monuments but also to give them to understand the historical value of the site was not successful! The partial or total destruction of the monuments did not help us at all,” Dr. Marina Terzi said. In the discussions after our visit, the question arose “if the mobile phone that we all now have together in combination with the new visualization technologies could improve the experience of a tour of the archaeological sites.”

Konstantinos Terzis

Culture App’s team consists of three lovers of culture and technology. Konstantinos Terzis is the CEO of the company, Dr. Marina Terzi is marketing manager and Tassos Papavasileiou is technology consultant.

The positive effect on the user

The end user can, with the help of the application, do three basic things. Initially to recognize the name of a monument or its place in the site.

He can also see the monument as it was in its original form at the time of its heyday and finally, read or hear information about its historical value.

The application will enable the end user to improve their travel experience and revive the past with the help of technology.

Tour operators, hotels and cruise companies that will integrate the application into their services will upgrade their excursions while achieving an alternative source of income.

Where to find the product available

The app is available from the Apple Store and Google Store. The original operating areas include the Acropolis of Athens, the South Slope, the Olympieion, Ancient Corinth and Lindos in Rhodes.

Culture App has been in operation since 2019 and is a member of the Elevate Greece Startup registry. In the effort for further development of the Culture App, they recently participated in the 4th cycle of the CapsuleT acceleration program by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, with the company’s vision being the dissemination and easier access of cultural heritage.

For more information on the Culture App visit the website

archaeological sitesAUGMENTED REALITYCapsuleTCULTURE APPElevate GreeceGREECETravel App