Collaboration between HDB and SEV of the Peloponnese and W. Greece to enhance innovation in the region

The aim is to develop partnerships in the field of Startups and SMEs of the region's ecosystem, their competitiveness and extroversion, with funding tools
Collaboration between HDB and SEV of the Peloponnese and W. Greece to enhance innovation in the region

The Hellenic Development Bank-HDB and the Federation of Enterprises and Industries of the Peloponnese and Western Greece (SEVPE&DE), signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of enhancing competitiveness, extroversion and support for businesses in the Peloponnese and Western Greece region, emphasizing on the manufacturing sector, utilizing HDB’ s modern financial tools.Collaboration between HDB and SEV of the Peloponnese and W. Greece to enhance innovation in the region

The two organisations will explore the possibility of partnerships in the context of supporting innovative entrepreneurship and export development, through an exchange of knowledge. Thanks to this cooperation, market needs and funding gaps will be identified by sector. At the same time, “good practices” will be highlighted through the exchange of successful examples and innovation actions in Greece and abroad.

On the part of HDB, access to the networking platform “InnoAgora” will be given to the members of SEVPEDE, with the aim of interconnection with international ecosystems, enhancing extroversion, raising investment capital, as well as finding trading partners.

“At HDB we are expanding our partnerships for the development of Greek entrepreneurship, within a framework of mutual trust and common vision. Knowing the needs and challenges faced by businesses, we aim to further support them. We will continue to support the efforts of the country’s institutions to shield the Greek economy and increase business investments, in order to create more jobs and strengthen entrepreneurship.”, said the President of the Hellenic Development Bank, Athina Hadjipetrou.

“The importance of today’s agreement, but also the multiple benefits for businesses in our region and for the creation of a new business environment, utilizing as much as possible all the financial and non-financial tools offered by the Hellenic Development Bank to SMEs that will contribute to the immediate improvement of the competitiveness of businesses in our region.”, stated the President of SEVPE&DE, Emeritus Professor Kleomenis Barlos.

HDBMemorandum of UnderstandingpartnershipSEVPE&DE