Collaboration between Demokritos and Qualco in the field of Al and big data for fintech

Collaboration between Demokritos and Qualco in the field of Al and big data for fintech

The National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos and the company Qualco proceeded to a collaboration for the development of innovative processes and tools in the field of “claims recovery”, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Management. The aim is the digital transformation to achieve international business competitiveness in the Fintech sector.

Qualco is active in providing technological solutions that cover the entire spectrum of the life cycle of loan and credit claims management, operates in Athens and is present in the UK, France and Cyprus, and serves more than 70 organizations in more than 30 countries worldwide. The cooperation between the two organizations has to do intellectual property co-development programs that, over a five-year period, will be implemented with the support of doctorate and postdoctorate industrial research and competitions of innovative ideas.

The meeting of the two organizations that took place for the beginning of the cooperation at the NCSR Demokritos in Agia Paraskevi, was attended by the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Christos Dimas, and the General Secretary for Research and Innovation (GSEK) Athanasios Kyriazis.

“The new venture with Qualco comes to confirm the maturity of Democritus, a public research organization to transfer technology, contributing to the digital transformation of Greek businesses and co-developing with them intellectual property of great added value.We are particularly proud of this new collaboration which will also enable young talented researchers to create and succeed. In the 21st century, scientific and technological progress is inextricably linked to innovation and economic growth.”, stated Dr. George Nounesis, Director and President of the Board of Directors of NCSR Demokritos.

“The cooperation between the two organizations is a practical proof that our Group, QUALCO, systematically invests in state-of-the-art technology, while supporting the entire spectrum of the scientific community. It is our honor, but also our obligation, to take advantage of the efforts of the young scientists of NCSR Demokritos, regarding the implementation of research in the scientific field of “AI” and “Big Data.”, said Orestis Tsakalotos, Executive President of the Qualco Group of Companies.

Our goal is to highlight innovative technological solutions that will effectively, efficiently and flexibly address modern business challenges, not only in our country, but also in the international financial environment. After all, AI has the potential to transform financial services, affecting business models and business operations.”

aiBIG DATADemokritosFinTechQualco