Ch. Alexopoulou: “The support of Youth Entrepreneurship and Startups will be a driver of growth for the country”

The Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Achaia of New Democracy in an exclusive interview talks about the importance of entrepreneurship, innovation and technology for the progress of the economy and society
Ch. Alexopoulou: “The support of Youth Entrepreneurship and Startups will be a driver of growth for the country”

The MP of Achaia, Christina Alexopoulou, in an exclusive interview with, refers to the enhancement of entrepreneurship, the low birth rate that “plagues” Greece and domestic violence.

As pointed out by Mrs. Alexopoulou, Startups can play an important role in the successful effort of the government for “brain gain“, the return of scientists, researchers and distinguished executives who moved abroad and at the same time become a lever of development for the country and especially for the province.

“In the National Startup Registry that we created, more than 500 Startup enterprises have been registered today”, stressed among others the MP of Achaia.

At the same time, she noted emphatically that one of the most important problems that Greece is facing is demographics, which “is considered the most important threat to the future of Greeks.

“Incentives are needed for young people to start a family. The Government has placed the demographic issue high on the agenda”, underlined the MP of Achaia.

emeaGR: One of the government’s main goals is to boost employment. Can the support of Youth Entrepreneurship and innovative Startups in general lead to the creation of stable jobs, reducing unemployment and putting an end on the emigration of our country’s young people abroad?

Ch. Alexopoulou: The support of Youth Entrepreneurship and Startups is one of the pre-election commitments of New Democracy, which is being implemented. Startups can play an important role in brain gain and at the same time be a driver of growth for the country and especially for the province.In the National Startup Registry that we created, more than 500 Startups have been registered today. By utilizing this database, the state provides beneficial privileges through NSRF programs and legislative regulations for tax incentives to “investment angels” and a favorable framework for stock options.

The purpose of the registry is the networking of Startups with the business community and the Greek industry in order to inform the needs of the market, the extroversion of these businesses, the monitoring of their course on the basis of critical indicators, the creation of a database for finding specialized – scientific jobs in Startups, the operation of the platform as a pole of attraction for investors and businesses from Greece and abroad, their targeted support with various potential funding measures by the state and the granting of business awards.

emeaGR: One of the most important problems that Greece is facing is that of the low birth rate. You are a Member who is very concerned with this issue. What measures should be taken in order to deal with the rapid decline of the population on the one hand and, on the other hand, the increase in the number of elderly people in the country?

Ch. Alexopoulou:It is now a fact that Greece remains among the countries with the lowest fertility rates in Europe.The demographic problem is once again seen as the most important threat to the future of Greeks. Incentives are needed for young people to start a family. The Government has placed the demographic issue high on the agenda.

emeaGR: Domestic violence is “plaguing” Greek society and especially in recent years femicide has risen sharply. What is the cause of the large increase and how can it be treated?

Ch. Alexopoulou: The problem is real and no one can disagree. The first thing that would make sense to do is to enforce stricter penalties.The Government, fully aware of this problem, has brought to the Parliament a new Penal Code, which has provided for the stiffening of the penalties for rape and violation of sexual freedom and dignity.

emeaGR: High prices bring “grumbling” and usually the dissatisfaction of the citizens is received by the government. Do you think ND will withstand the decay until the national elections?

Ch. Alexopoulou: With New Democracy, the following unprecedented thing has happened for a government of the Transition. It has been in power since 2019 and has since faced many and varied crises, such as migration, Greek-Turkish issues and health crises.Today it also has the energy issue in front of it. Nevertheless, in all the opinion polls, Kyriakos Mitsotakis remains the leading force and Kyriakos Mitsotakis the most suitable prime minister. This is not a coincidence. Greeks trust New Democracy because they know that it can ensure the integrity of the country at a national, economic, social and health level. The image of Greece abroad has changed.We are no longer Europe’s “bad boy”. We are a country that is at the heart of the Union and we have a voice that is heard, for the common future of Europeans. Attrition after 2.5 years in governance is logical to exist. In the national elections to be held in 2023, New Democracy will be the leading force.

emeaGR: There is a debate about a “coalition government” after the national elections. Do you consider the scenario of a co-government between ND and an opposition party possible?

Ch. Alexopoulou: It is logical to hear such scenarios, since the 2023 elections will be held under the law of simple proportional representation of SYRIZA. But this law can lead the country to uncertainty. That is why New Democracy must be a self-reliant government the day after the elections.The times we live in are extremely complex and require quick reflexes and a common line of travel for the country. A self-reliant government can do this easily. Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the politician who has proven that he puts the benefit of Greece first and does not concern about the political cost. When the time comes for decisions be sure that he will do it again and the only purpose will be the stability and security of the country in the changing environment we are now.

Christina AlexopouloueconomyGREECEgrowthinnovationsocietySTARTUPStechnologyYouth Entrepreneurship