CAPITALS Business Circle is a Network that Connects Global Diplomacy and Politics Leaders with Inspiring International Entrepreneurs

CAPITALS Business Circle is a Network that Connects Global Diplomacy and Politics Leaders with Inspiring International Entrepreneurs

CAPITALS Business Circle is a newly-founded non-profit, independent organisation that aims at connecting global thinkers and leaders of Diplomacy and Politics with inspiring international entrepreneurs.

With the goal to build trusted communities among them hosts selected organisations and leading professionals from Economy, Business, Diplomacy, Politics and Academics to exchange views on global economic and business topics. In CBC meetings high ranking speakers, partners, friends and guests share their unique experiences and perspective about various international economic & business, political and other topics.

There are 6 main differentiation factors, that make CBC unique, according to CBC Leadership Team talking to
Internationality: Most business networks are local or regional focused but CBC, an English speaking-only network, is truly international-oriented from the beginning. It is run by international-minded people and hosts people from all over the world with the goal to celebrate international entrepreneurship, diplomacy and global politics. Berlin is only the beginning, with more cities, such as Athens, Greece, hosting a CBC meeting to be added soon.

Interactivity: Normally, panels are featuring two or more speakers that present their views to an audience, occasionally featuring a Q&A session. CBC offers an interactive dialogue platform where the speakers, such as senior political officials or global leaders are engaging with the audience, such as senior business or diplomatic officials, in an interactive dialogue where every member of the network can take part and pose their own questions or express their views on the topic discussed.

Seniority: CBC creates a network that connects executives and officials of a senior level, allowing each member to connect with decision makers around the world. It also brings together startup founders and executives with senior funds partners and big companies executives or managers, allowing them to network with experienced investors and businessmen.

Exclusivity: Strictly by personal invitation only, CBC allows its members to connect with senior executives and global-scale leaders and thinkers, each one on their own sector of activity, networking only with people that matter.

Independency and Global View: CBC is a pure independent from any political, economic or business Interests organisation. Moreover all topics are approached, discussed and debated with a global and international open minded view.

Strong Offline and Online Presence: CBC except the regular offline Meetings and Forums, has also a strong online presence in all main social media, giving to its members the opportunity for a continuous interaction and a substantial impact.

CBC hosts its pre-launch and first meeting in Berlin on Thursday, 27 February 2014, 19.00 at Intercontinental Hotel Berlin. Topic of the CBC in Dialogue event is: “Berlin as International Business & Entrepreneurship Hub in a Global Competitive Environment“, with international high ranking speakers from different fields such as Dimitris Tsigos, President of European Federation of Young Entrepreneurs in Brussels (YES), Board member of European Trade Association of Business Angels (EBAN), entrepreneur himself (Founder StarTech Ventures etc.), Michael Bültman, CEO Nokia Germany and Berlin entrepreneur Nikolas Woischnik, founder of TechBerlin, AhoyBerlin and various other Berlin companies as well as business angel himself.

Successful international, Berlin-based firms (such as Zalando, Rainmaking Loft and others) will share their experience, while giving the Berlin and international perspective.

Christian Christian Wiesenhütter, Deputy Managing Director, Berlin Chamber of Commerce (IHK Berlin) will address the introductory remarks on the topic and the CBC Leadership Team (featuring among others high ranking Greeks of Diaspora) will present the initiative.

CBC is supported by a Circle of Partners from various fields give an added value to CBC and its Circle of Members and they will be announced soon. CBC is already attracting great interest from high level speakers. Program and speakers are already booked for the following months.