Bloomberg: Intrakat is the second largest construction company in Greece

This strategic move has pushed the Intrakat group to consolidate its position as the second largest construction company in Greece, with an impressive portfolio of projects exceeding 4 billion euros.
Bloomberg: Intrakat is the second largest construction company in Greece

Intrakat Group, a leader in the construction, infrastructure and renewable energy sector in Greece, has taken a significant leap forward with the acquisition of Aktor, Bloomberg reports.

This strategic move has pushed the Intrakat group to consolidate its position as the second largest construction company in Greece, with an impressive portfolio of projects exceeding 4 billion euros.

With a firm commitment to strategic growth and investment, the Intrakat group has already established a strong presence in all targeted sectors and has ambitious plans for further expansion in the coming years.

The recent acquisition of Apanema Resort in Mykonos Town exemplifies its dedication to converting properties into cutting-edge luxury boutique hotels. In addition, since the beginning of 2022, Intrakat has successfully operated the famous “Milos Hotel”, a 5-star hotel located in the heart of Athens.

Looking ahead, the Group is preparing to participate in the bidding process for the new Attica Road concession, forming a 30% joint venture with BRISA, a distinguished European company with extensive experience in managing road networks and motorways.

At the same time, recognizing the enormous importance of sustainable energy and the green transition, Intrakat Group is making strategic investments in RES, which is expected to be a key driver of growth and investment. Already possessing a portfolio of renewable energy projects with a production capacity of 1.8 GW and energy storage capacity of 0.7 GW, the Group will also exploit the potential of offshore wind farms by partnering with Parkwind, a company with recognized experience in similar projects.

Beyond RES, Intrakat also aims to strengthen its presence in the real estate sector and in tourism infrastructure, with the development of new luxury hotels and residential complexes in popular destinations such as Mykonos, Santorini, Paros, Syros, Crete, but also Athens.

“We are excited about the important step that Intrakat Group is taking, consolidating its position as the second largest construction company in Greece. This acquisition will allow us to expand our capabilities and our geographical scope while maintaining our commitment to offering high quality services to our customers,” commented the Group’s CEO, Alexandros Exarchou, to the agency.

The acquisition of Aktor marks a key milestone for Intrakat’s growth strategy and its unwavering emphasis on strategic investments and a clear direction that is expected to lead to stable financial flows and consolidate the Group’s position as a “market leader” in Greece, for the next few years.

This announcement confirms the company’s unwavering commitment to expanding its presence in many sectors, while at the same time consolidating its position as the country’s leading player in the construction and infrastructure market.

Aimed at corporate investors and those looking for companies with growth potential, Intrakat intends to live up to its commitment to strategic investments, a clear direction and high quality services across multiple industries, confirming its position as Greece’s dominant force in the construction industry , Bloomberg concludes.

Bloombergconstruction companyGREECEIntrakat