Athroa raised 550 thousand euros and invests in deeptech Startups

The Athens-based company helps Startups grow and get in touch with R&D institutions, enhancing innovation

Athroa Innovations, a small-share company based in Athens, raised 550 thousand euros to increase investments in deeptech teams based on intellectual property. The round was led by a private investor, while the newly established Optimality Fund, as well as Big Pi Ventures, the original investor of Athroa, also participated.

Athroa focuses on working with inventors and founders globally to develop targeted solutions to complex human and planetary health challenges. Athroa invests in Startups and contributes to their operation to accelerate their progress towards the market. Athroa’s multidisciplinary team brings together R&D institutions, investors and industry breaking down business development and fundraising for its portfolio companies.

“Athroa is one of the largest investment companies in Europe, it is willing to work with early-stage companies with truly innovative solutions. We are bringing the financing, the sector and the know-how, as well as the unique opportunity to use the Greek market as a testing ground for market validation.”, said Michalis Boutaris, director of Athroa.

“In Greece, we have exceptional talent and a huge and highly capable research community. Our continuous investment and support to Athroa come not only to benefit from the commercial exploitation of Greek patents, but also to create a platform for researchers to move their work beyond the laboratory, to create intellectual property and leverage it in a global market.”, stated Aristos Doxiadis, partner of Big Pi Ventures.

Athroa InnovationsBig Pi VenturesdeeptechFUNDINGINVESTMENTSTARTUPS