Alpha Bank, implementing its commitment to support small and medium-sized enterprises, provides funding with a 70% guarantee from the European Investment Fund (EIF), through its participation in the Pan-European Guarantee Fund (EGF), within the framework of a relevant agreement with the EIF.
As stated in a relevant announcement, eligible SMEs that will participate in the “EGF” can be financed by Alpha Bank to cover the costs of implementing investment and development plans and to cover working capital needs under the following favorable terms:
•Maximum amount of funding, up to 5 million euros.
• Duration of funding up to 10 years, with the possibility of a grace period.
• Preferential interest rate, due to the transfer of benefit from the EIF Guarantee.
• Flexibility of repayment with multiple ways of service and forms of financing (Loans and Revolving Credit Limits).
The funding benefits from support from the EGF Guarantee Facility, implemented by the EIF, with the financial support of the Member States contributing to the “EGF”.
For the submission of the request, interested parties may contact the Business Customer Relations Officers and the Branches of Alpha Bank, while more information is available on the Bank’s website.