AgroApps:Digitalisation is the future of the greek agriculture

AgroApps:Digitalisation is the future of the greek agriculture

The primary sector in Greece contributes significantly to the economy, the regional development, the social cohesion and population’s nutrition. It is also a sector with some unique characteristics such as its dependence on the ground, the climate and the consequences of climate change, the availability of water resources, the stricter environmental rules, the quotas and the progressive withdrawal of hazardous substances and plant protection products.

So, it is easy to understand that the agricultural sector “has to” do the transition towards a new production model.A production model with main pillars the climate adaptability and viability.Pillars that leverage the available information by using digital technologies combined with the agromomists’ expertise and producers’ experience.

AgroApps, in close cooperation with the main factors of production of the field, has developed a series of digital services based on efficient information management and its executives’ deep agricultural knowledge. Through the use of open satellite data, numerical weather forecasting models, crop development models and user-friendly apps, the provided services are accessible to eveyone, without the need to install expensive equipment on the fields and without special knowledge required for their use.

For the farmers, these services aim at supporting their everyday needs at the field, such as irrigation planning, tilling, fertilizing and sparging and also more strategic decisions such as cultivation and harvesting.They always take into consideration the rise of profitability of the agricultural businesses and the reduction of the environmental footprint of the agricultural production.

Additionally, AgroApps has developed a series of services and applications: a) for water resources management authorities enabling them to monitor in the area of their responsibility and distribute the cost of water use in a more fair and objective way, as well as predict the future water demand by scheduling more efficiently its distribution,

and b) for the finance institutions and insurance companies, where mainly through the provided climate information, the management of the climate risk becomes easier to ensure loans with better terms and bigger flexibility for the insurance and funding of small producers while remote monitoring of damages allows insurance companies to reduce their running costs.

Technological revolution gives us limitless potentials for every sector and especially the agricultural sector. AgroApps’ vision is to make technology accessible, efficient and easy to use for everyone so agriculture can be viable and resilient.

agricultural sectorAgroAppsnew production modeltechnological revolution