AbZorba Games (http://www.abzorbagames.com), the Greek startup developer of social casino-type games for mobile devices and member of the company ecosystem Virtual Trip, needed just ten months so that its titles would jump from 1 million to 2,5 million downloads.

Its social casino for mobile devices reached 1 million “installations”. AbZorba’ s “Hub of Fun” is a “suite” of free multiplayer casino games, such as blackjack, roulette and poker with social network features, as it includes chat among the players, invitations to friends, construction of personal avatars, even a digital cocktail bar in which the players of the application can socialize.

The social casino is available for devices with Android and iOS operating systems and is scheduled to be enriched in January with digital slot machines.

As it was announced last week, the company’s games attained this significant milestone and so AbZorba thanked its players in over 40 countries all over the world who have demonstrated their loyalty in its games.

In his statement, the co-founder and CEO of the company, Andrew Hughes, admitted that AbZorba’ s organic development so that its games could climb to these heights of popularity was not easy and added that the company will continue in the successful track of collaboration with other companies, as it was ‘shaped’ by the recent agreement to launch four games via the Tango platform.

The latter is a communication platform with text messages and video calls offered for Android, iOS, Windows Phone’s and PC’s.  The four AbZorba games will be offered along with another eleven ones, thus offering to them access to 138 million players in the world.  The Tango users will be able to connect to the live AbZorba games through their platform account, play them and chat publicly or privately via messages with all the other players.  BlackJack (according to Google Play in US, the highest ranking game) and Roulette (number 1 in many countries, India included) opened the collaboration being available for Android users and the iOS will follow in the very near future – they were the first games launched by Tango.  It is of interest that the collaboration commenced by Tango executives’ initiative as they are themselves players of AbZorba games.  Among the other game providers of Tango features the respected name of Gameloft.

As Manos Moshous, co-founder and in charge of AbZorba’ s technology, stresses in his communication with EMEA Startups, what is most important is tat Tango perceived the high quality of the games and that the two companies collaborate harmonically, with Tango appreciating AbZorba’ s size and flexibility.

It is worth mentioning here that AbZorba will participate on November 6 and 7 in the second annual Convention of Social Games of Luck, which will be held in London. A. Hughes will give a speech titled ‘Successful Models of Income Creation through Casino-type Games’.