ABB Greece enters the field of startups

ABB Greece enters the field of startups

Last Saturday at the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair, the awarding of startups, that participated in the first competition of the greek point of reference and registration for Startups Elevate Greece, took place.

For the first National Awards of Startup Entrepreneurship, 250 of the companies registered in the Elevate Greece Registry submitted an application for participation.The 10 winning companies were awarded with cash prizes of a total value of 252,000 euros. In addition, services worth more than 200,000 euros were made available to businesses, offered by the official supporters of Elevate Greece. One of them was ABB Greece.

The award for the “Technological Utilization of the 4th Industrial Revolution” was delivered by the representative of ABB Greece Kyriakos Rotidis, Director of the Department of Motion Systems and Robotics.
The award was given to Quanta and Qualia / Magos, a company that develops intelligent systems based on augmented reality technologies with multiple applications in health, telerobotics, education, etc.

According to the relevant announcement, ABB will contribute to the further development of the Greek startup ecosystem, providing the participating companies with tools that will enhance the knowledge and skills of their human resources, while it will soon announce other forms of support for these enterprises.

ABB Greeceawarding of startupsElevate Greece