40% of employees are thinking about changing jobs

40% of employees are thinking about changing jobs

The market is mature and the workers ready to change job. The study found that 2/3 of employees are convinced that companies will resume significant hiring. In addition, it was found that almost two out of five (2/5) change or think about changing jobs, with 41% thinking of moving to jobs with more flexible working conditions.

Also, 1/4 of the world’s workforce is thinking of moving to another country or region. At the same time, less than half are satisfied with career prospects in their current company.

This mix of market conditions, emerging challenges and new needs seems to encourage workers to reassess the environment in which they work.

This is expected to lead to increased mobility of talent executives who are thinking of abandoning their current job or even changing their profession, a recent trend in the workplace, which we call the “Great Resignation”.

The gap between leadership and employees

The findings of the study show a large gap between employees and leadership. Characteristically, leadership satisfaction is particularly low in the areas of corporate culture and career development opportunities. Only 48% of employees say that their managers meet their expectations when it comes to forming a good work culture within the company. Less than 50% of employees are satisfied with career prospects in their company and only 37% say that their company invests effectively in the development of their skills.Also, only 50% of employees say their leaders support work-life balance and 67% of employees say leaders are not meeting their expectations in terms of ensuring their mental well-being.

The above findings contradict the perception of leaders in relation to their abilities in managing the above issues. Leaders seem to find it difficult to identify these points for improvement, leading to a bigger gap between leadership and employees.

“Employees understand that they have more options, which changes the rules in the workplace. Companies need to recognize these warning signs, as many talents will seek to satisfy their increased need for work-life balance and more opportunities in their career development, in other organizations. “, said John Morgan, LHH’s President.

“Employees need leaders who will inspire, guide and develop them. Similarly, leaders need support to respond to this demanding world of work and meet the desires and needs of the people that run a business. Companies should empower their leaders with the necessary tools to be able to identify and address issues in a timely manner that could otherwise become the reason for their talented employees to leave.”, stated Katerina Vourlogianni, Talent Development Director of LHH in Greece.

change jobemployeesgapleadership