2015 was an excellent year for the Startupbootcamp

The Startupbootcamp is a global family of Accelerators, which are linked startups with leading mentors, investors and partners in the field they belong.
This program
lasts for three months and takes place in various facilities around the world with emphasis on the Fintech, IoT, eCommerce, insurance industry, smart cities digital health etc.
Specifically for 2015 Startupbootcamp ran 12 projects in 10 cities in three continents, invested 118 mil. Euro to 308 Startups. Great emphasis was placed by the Startupbootcamp in training the founders in presenting their proposals in the very important pitching day.
Finally we should mention that the successful “graduate” companies created 1160 new jobs, something extremely important sometimes omitted mentioning.
Information on current programs and events of Startupbootcamp can be found here.