12 Competence Centres are being prepared for the development of innovative entrepreneurship

12 Competence Centres are being prepared for the development of innovative entrepreneurship

The Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Christos Dimas, referred to the government’s actions to connect research and innovation more effectively with entrepreneurship during the 1st Session of the Board of Directors of University Research Centres and Technology Parks organized by the Ionian University.

“We are establishing a clear and functional framework for spin-offs, aiming at the creation of even more companies by research and scientific bodies (Spin Off). An attempt is being made, for the first time, to modernize the operating framework of spin-offs, which until now has been fragmented, incomplete and anachronistic.”, said the Deputy Minister, referring to the new institutional framework for spin-offs.

In fact, answers are given to key questions, for which until now there has been legal ambiguity, such as what is a spin-off, establishment process, deadline for the establishment of the company,  provision for the establishment of spin-offs coming from different research organizations, headquarters of the company (Greece or abroad) and clarifications on the participation, role and time spent by researchers in a spin-off.

Technology Transfer Offices

“The action for the support, maturation and development of Technology Transfer Offices, totaling 15 million euros, has already begun. Our goal is to make better use of the results of research carried out in the country’s research centres and universities.”, noted Mr. Dimas about the Technology Transfer Offices. 

Competence Centres

“The Competence Centres are an extremely important action, which aims to bridge the gap between the supply and demand of specialised innovation services and technology transfer in one or more value chains. It is very important that 12 Competence Centres have been evaluated and are being created for the development of innovative entrepreneurship, mainly for the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises.

We expect a lot from the partners in these new structures and we believe that together with the action of the Innovation Clusters, the R&T Partnerships of Enterprises and Research Bodies and the Technology Transfer Offices, another decisive step is being taken to connect research and innovation more effectively with entrepreneurship.”, he concluded.

Competence Centresinnovative entrepreneurshipTechnology Transfer Offices