100mentors receives an investment of €200.000 and changes the way we are making our career choices

100mentors receives an investment of €200.000 and changes the way we are making our career choices

The 100mentors is transforming career choices. Inside information for universities and companies is now a fact.

The best advice for career issues can only come from those who have already achieved on the path you want to follow. Graduates of the faculty in which you want to study and professionals who have worked in the field and the companies of your interest, are the best suited to advise you how to do it.

The 100mentors has a mission to establish a critical connection between those in need and the mentors who can help them make a well-informed career choice. The platform allows us to “meet our future selves” ensuring communication with more than 1.000 mentors from the best universities and companies in Greece and abroad.

Those interested, can subscribe to the service and indicate their goal pursuit, for example, a specific university or an area of expertise they wish to follow.

The service then undertakes to propose mentors with compatible profiles, making it possible to communicate online with a certain remuneration.

In addition to holding individual sessions with mentors, 100mentors provides “package” of integrated solutions tailored to the needs and goals of each user, with a range of services, with specialized partners worldwide, e.g. From standardized tests and professional certifications to industry specific mock interviews.

The investment of €200.000 from Jeremie Openfund II and other investors will enable rapid growth of the company in Greece and abroad. Already, a number of schools and universities is making use of the service to further maintain and support the careers of their graduates.

During the investment announcement, George Nikoletakis (founder of 100mentors), commented: “Correct information, conscious decisions and personalized plan – and not necessarily excellent grades — will get you the best jobs, scholarships and entries to the finest universities. We created 100mentors because we want it to be the key to success, which ‘it’ is the specialized knowledge of our mentors that spreads easily, quickly, a privilege accessible to those prepared to take the next step.”

George Tziralis (partner of Openfund), also commented: “We are delighted to participate in an attempt to democratize the most important component of a good career choice, the knowledge of those who have already walked the path that one wishes to pursue.”

100mentorsGeorge NikoletakisGeorge TziralisJEREMIE OPENFUND II